Making a Pull Request
Pull requests allow collaboration on a repo where you don’t have push access
A pull request is a request to merge commits from your fork into the original repo
Edit markdown files in the root directory, _episodes (_episodes_rmd for R lessons), or _extras
Edit figures in the fig directory
Jekyll is used to build the site (locally and on GitHub)
Adding to a Pull Request
Keeping your fork up-to-date
A repository can have more than one remote
Adding an upstream remote allows you to keep your fork up to date, ready to make another PR
Merging an upstream branch enables you to resolve merge conflicts
What makes a good Pull Request
Aim to fix only one thing per PR
Reference any relevant issues
Give a short but descriptive title
The easier you make things for the reviewer, the more likely your PR is to be merged
Contributing directly on GitHub
Click on Improve this page button
Change the default commit message
GitHub creates a new branch for your PR
GitHub preview doesn’t render the lesson correctly